Atomic Habits: Simple Strategies for Building Lasting Success
Today, I will talk about a self-help book that shows how even our smallest habits determine the person we will become in the future. It starts by explaining that habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. It also tells us that good habits make time your ally, while bad habits make time your enemy. This book also teaches us that success does not happen all at once; all you need is patience.
The best thing I learned from this book is to enjoy the process and focus on the journey, not just the goals. Winners and losers have the same goals, but their decisions determine whether they will be winners or losers. It also explains that when you have trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you, but rather the process you're using to complete certain tasks.
This book focuses on how you should first change your identity, then your process, and finally your outcomes. Your identity emerges from your habits. Identity means being consistent. It helps us with forming good habits and breaking bad ones. Overall, this book shares four laws for breaking bad habits and forming good ones.
I agree with the book’s point about environment: the people you surround yourself with make you more likely to become like them. I also read this concept in a book named "Good Vibes, Good Life." There are many more topics worth exploring. I usually don't like self-help books, but this one is worth considering.
"The problem wasn't knowledge. The problem was consistency."
Read one book rather than many, and follow that one book passionately. Always read self-help books by authors who are actually psychologists. I realized this later, but only they can provide the best guidance as they specialize in this field. Soon, I will be posting a page with many mental awareness topics where we’ll explore how some of our habits can be detrimental to our mental health, common issues people face, whether these issues are mental health problems or normal life issues, how to tackle these issues, whether reels are worth watching, and what type of content should be consumed. There are many other topics we will discover later. Until then, take care and stay positive.
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